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close this bookThe Courier - N°159 - Sept- Oct 1996 Dossier Investing in People Country Reports: Mali ; Western Samoa
source ref: ec159e.htm
View the documentAcnowledgements
close this folderMeeting points
View the documentIeremiah Tabai, Secretary General of the Forum Secretariat
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View the documentA success story for African mining
View the documentJoint Assembly to consider climate problem
View the documentACP-EU Council in Apia
View the documentKenya's economy in the 1990s
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close this folderMali : An omnipresent sense of history
View the documentThree republics to create one democracy
View the documentInterview with Ali N. Diallo, President of the National Assembly
View the documentProfile
View the documentInterview with Amadou Seydou Traoré, opposition leader and USRDA spokesman
View the documentThe magnetism of the unfamiliar... but unexotic
View the documentMali-EU cooperation
View the documentNGOs finally achieve tangible results
close this folderWestern Samoa
View the documentA new spirit of enterprise
View the documentAn interview with Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance
View the documentProfile
View the documentMarketing a tropical idyIl
View the documentInterview with opposition leader Tupua Tamasese Efi
View the documentWestern Samoa-EU cooperation
close this folderDossier
View the documentInvesting in people
View the documentA much needed new focus for SAPs
View the documentCapacity building for management and development
View the documentThe role of international academic cooperation
View the documentBrain drain : Colossal loss of investments for developing countries
View the document'Brain gain' : A cost - effective UNDP programme
View the documentMobilising Commonwealth skills for Commonwealth development
View the documentEU's investments in education and training in the ACP states
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View the documentEU-ACP relations : Building for tomorrow
View the documentThe view of civil society on the future after Lomé IV
View the document'Democratising democracy'
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View the documentGrowing rice at high altitude in Burundi
close this folderDeveloping world
View the documentFreedom of expression: the heartbeat of democracy
View the documentCampaigning for free expression in the SADC region
View the documentVolunteers show their worth
View the documentStructural adiustment, the environment, and sustainable development
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View the documentWhy a Biennial Festival of Contemporary African Art?
View the documentActing against AIDS
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View the documentEarthen architecture
View the documentThe courier’s mailbag
View the documentBibliography
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View the documentIn brief
View the documentThe institutions at work
View the documentVisits
View the documentSupport for human rights
View the documentAid for rehabilitation
View the documentEuropean development fund
View the documentEuropean investment bank
View the documentHumanitarian aid
View the documentFood aid


The President of Haiti

The President of the Republic of Haiti, Rene Preval, visited the Commission on 11 June. He met with President Jacques Santer, Commissioner Joao de Deus Pinheiro (responsible for relations with the ACP States) and Commissioner Emma Bonino (responsible for humanitarian aid).

President Preval thanked the European Union for all the support it had provided both for the restoration of democracy in Haiti and for the country's economic development. He spoke in particular of the discussions that are currently under way with the Bretton Woods institutions aimed at restoring Haiti's economy. The President indicated that an economic recovery programme would need balance of payments support to the tune of $119m during 1996, as well as assistance for a range of economic sectors amounting to a billion dollars over a three-year period.

For his part, Professor Pinheiro expressed satisfaction at being able to welcome the President at a time when the democratic process in Haiti was functioning normally and institutional consolidation was taking place. In a statement to the press, he said it was an appropriate moment 'to evaluate our cooperation and to strengthen it in a way that will contribute to economic and social development' in Haiti. He added that it was essential for the Haitian people to recognise that democracy was worthwhile. Professor Pinheiro also welcomed the normalisation of relations between Haiti and its neighbour, the Dominican Republic.

The President of the Dominican Republic

The newly-elected President of the Dominican Republic, Leonel Fernandez Reyna, had a working session at the Commission on 15 and 16 July.

This trip to Brussels was the President's first overseas visit in his new capacity, following his election on 30 June. Indeed, he had not yet formally assumed office at the time of his visit. His inauguration was due to take place on 16 August and the President-elect extended an invitation to the Commission to attend the ceremony. Mr Fernandez Reyna's subsequent itinerary included visits to Spain, France and the United States.