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close this bookThe Courier - N°159 - Sept- Oct 1996 Dossier Investing in People Country Reports: Mali ; Western Samoa
source ref: ec159e.htm
View the documentAcnowledgements
close this folderMeeting points
View the documentIeremiah Tabai, Secretary General of the Forum Secretariat
close this folderACP
View the documentA success story for African mining
View the documentJoint Assembly to consider climate problem
View the documentACP-EU Council in Apia
View the documentKenya's economy in the 1990s
close this folderCountry report
close this folderMali : An omnipresent sense of history
View the documentThree republics to create one democracy
View the documentInterview with Ali N. Diallo, President of the National Assembly
View the documentProfile
View the documentInterview with Amadou Seydou Traoré, opposition leader and USRDA spokesman
View the documentThe magnetism of the unfamiliar... but unexotic
View the documentMali-EU cooperation
View the documentNGOs finally achieve tangible results
close this folderWestern Samoa
View the documentA new spirit of enterprise
View the documentAn interview with Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance
View the documentProfile
View the documentMarketing a tropical idyIl
View the documentInterview with opposition leader Tupua Tamasese Efi
View the documentWestern Samoa-EU cooperation
close this folderDossier
View the documentInvesting in people
View the documentA much needed new focus for SAPs
View the documentCapacity building for management and development
View the documentThe role of international academic cooperation
View the documentBrain drain : Colossal loss of investments for developing countries
View the document'Brain gain' : A cost - effective UNDP programme
View the documentMobilising Commonwealth skills for Commonwealth development
View the documentEU's investments in education and training in the ACP states
close this folderAnalysis
View the documentEU-ACP relations : Building for tomorrow
View the documentThe view of civil society on the future after Lomé IV
View the document'Democratising democracy'
close this folderClose-up
View the documentGrowing rice at high altitude in Burundi
close this folderDeveloping world
View the documentFreedom of expression: the heartbeat of democracy
View the documentCampaigning for free expression in the SADC region
View the documentVolunteers show their worth
View the documentStructural adiustment, the environment, and sustainable development
close this folderCulture and society
View the documentWhy a Biennial Festival of Contemporary African Art?
View the documentActing against AIDS
close this folderCTA-Bulletin
View the documentEarthen architecture
View the documentThe courier’s mailbag
View the documentBibliography
close this folderNews round-up
View the documentIn brief
View the documentThe institutions at work
View the documentVisits
View the documentSupport for human rights
View the documentAid for rehabilitation
View the documentEuropean development fund
View the documentEuropean investment bank
View the documentHumanitarian aid
View the documentFood aid

Support for human rights

The Commission has recently approved the financing of the following projects under the budget line 'Human Rights and Democracy in the Developing Countries):

ACP countries

Guinea: ECU 120 000 for a project aimed at actively involving members of the National Assembly in the institution's functioning, and in the democratisation process taking place in the country.

Niger: ECU 72 000 for a human rights training programme in schools in both urban and rural areas.

Nigeria: ECU 118 000 for a human -rights training programme to be run in educational establishments and through itinerant projects in regions lacking education infrastructures.

Fiji: ECU 119 000 for a project to support a non-partisan, multi-ethnic civic forum, aimed at contributing to the achievement of a consensus among various social groups.

Non-ACP countries

Nepal: ECU 59 112 to safeguard texts which are essential to the preservation of Tibetan culture.

Nepal: ECU 30196 for the archiving of slides and photographs depicting art objects in order to preserve the culture and traditional techniques of Tibet.

Philippines: ECU 61 750 for a mission to identify the areas in which strategies for human rights and democracy could lead to positive and lasting changes.

Sri Lanka: ECU 84 314 for a programme of information in the field of promoting equal opportunities and non-discrimination